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Summing up Self-Care December

You may remember, as we approached December, one of the busiest times of the year, I suggested "self-care December". The purpose was to prioritize our health and put ourselves in a place to start the new year from an advantage, rather than an disadvantage. There were three parts to the challenge, they were:

1. Prioritize Daily Exercise

Do something every day, no rules or limitations, just 30 minutes of some type of exercise.

2. Take Supplements Properly

Whatever plan you have in place, do it with commitment.

3. Quiet Time BEFORE I unplug my phone from the Charger

There is a lot to do in December, with more distractions than any other time. In December, I suggested starting the day with a quiet time, before touching any device.

In the first area, I adjusted my thinking to accept my workout doesn't have to be in a gym or look a certain way. When I move, I am more likely to feel and be successful in other areas. Although I didn't reach my goal of daily exercise, I did increase my yoga time, which had fallen by the wayside, and I am feeling benefit from that already. In the second area, supplements, I evaluated what I needed this month and tweaked my plan, adding Thermoplus, a metabolism enhancer, and ClearMood, to help moods and stress management. Both made a difference. By adding the Thermoplus, I was able to lose 3.5 pounds, when I typically would gain 3-5 lbs over the holiday season. Super happy about that! Finally, on number three, the small change of waiting to unplug my phone was game-changing for me. This is a change I will definitely keep as I begin 2018. All in all, self-care December was a huge success! Now, If I can just clear the house of these Christmas cookies....

Making small changes this month allows me to focus on goal setting for 2018 that moves me forward, instead of focusing on damage control from December setbacks. Looking into the first quarter of 2018, I'm anticipating making more change, and have learned through this experience that when set

ting goals, small and specific trumps large and sweeping change every time!

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